Thoughtful Thursday // 8-22-13

Posted by on Aug 22, 2013 in Thoughtful Thursday | Comments Off on Thoughtful Thursday // 8-22-13

thoughtful thursday

Thoughtful:” absorbed in or involving thought.

“Thoughtful Thursday:” a day to share words that make the reader think.

Words are powerful.  Such small nuggets of distinct meaning, when assembled in certain orders, can open a mind up to so much.  They can unchain, uplift, challenge, motivate, give courage, dare, comfort, affirm, surprise, and make you think—they can make you thoughtful.

This is what Thoughtful Thursday is all about: words that make you think, and then even act.  Words that challenge you to dare mightily, try new things, and be grateful for what’s around you.

May these words challenge you and fill your thoughts – make you thoughtful – today.


Thoughtful Thursday 2013 08-22

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito in the same room.”

–Dalai Lama

Lots of people don’t even START on a dream because they’re afraid they won’t make a difference.  But we each have a unique audience that only we can reach, people who need to see our message to the world… and who may never get it from someone else.  Size has no bearing on your ability to make an impact in someone’s life.  Don’t let it stop you.

Question: What’s your unique audience?  What’s your message to them that only you can tell?


Note: Today’s #ThoughtfulThursday comes from a project called Consider This Thought.  You can see more of these hand-doodled posters at