Thoughtful Thursday // 10-31-2013

Posted by on Oct 31, 2013 in Thoughtful Thursday | Comments Off on Thoughtful Thursday // 10-31-2013

Thoughtful Thursday // 10-31-2013


Tyler Gregson quote


“Promise me you will not spend so much time treading water and trying to keep your head above the waves that you forget, truly forget, how much you have always loved to swim.”

–Tyler Knott Gregson

Finding your passion is exciting.  Being propelled into action by what you love is an amazing thing.  But then, somewhere along the way, real life + new opportunities + hustle on your dream + the unexpected hit us.  It may not be as dramatic as being overwhelmed or asking ourselves, “How did I get here?”, but sometimes we simply drift ever so slightly from our loves.

Maybe you’re not there yet and you’re thinking to yourself, “Libby, this one doesn’t really apply to me this week, could you try again?”  Well, guess what?  Somewhere in all the details of making phone calls, setting up logos, raising funds, connecting people, dreaming, getting up early, travelling, gathering resources, serving, creating — these times will come.  The trick is being ready for them.  Remind yourself why you do what you do.  Take breaks to just spend time doing what you love to do.  Make a list of things you love about what you are doing.  Your “why” is what got you going in the first place; you need to protect it fiercely.  Don’t let routine replace passion.  Stay true to yourself and what you love.  And if you do that now, whether you feel bogged down or not, the journey will be even better!

Question: What are three things you love about what you do / want to do?  Write a list and keep it handy.  Read it while you’re doing some of your daily-grind tasks this week.


Note: Today’s #ThoughtfulThursday was hand drawn by me.  You can see more hand-drawn posters by going to and clicking “LibbyDoodles.”

“But what IS Thoughtful Thursday?!” you may be asking.  Check out the original post here