Women’s Ministry // Andrea Lowe

Posted by on Aug 20, 2013 in StartStories, Testimonies | Comments Off on Women’s Ministry // Andrea Lowe

Andrea Lowe

In starting this experiment, my goal was clear. My desired outcome was clearly marked and ready to be achieved: Women’s ministry. I had the women selected that I would contact to learn from. I knew these were the very women who would help guide and direct me in fulfilling one of my heart’s desire. However, as I began taking steps, risking, and sharing my heart, I began to discover that my vision for ministry is not mine at all. I admire women in leadership positions for various reasons, but in truth, I just expected to start where they are today, and some have been in ministry for as long as I have been alive.


How am I going to help encourage, equip and empower others to fulfill their dreams if I cannot even clearly envision my own? As round 1 of the start experiment continued, amazing things started happening. I was asked to take on new leadership roles at my church. These roles would allow me to be creative in developing the gifts and talents in others. Amazingly, my leaders know me well, even when I don’t, and continuously challenge me to step out of my comfort zone and refine the gifts and talents in me.


So, has my passion changed? No. My vision has been enlarged and I am overwhelmed with excitement and joy as I continue to take steps, strides and leaps of faith. The unknown can be scary, but I am finding great comfort in knowing that a risk taken is much more fruitful than a fear fed.

Andrea Lowe