So, yesterday we were all encouraged to take an Actual Reality Day – a day away from technology. The key word for the day was SEE. So, what did you notice – what did you see in a whole new way, or what did you observe for the very first time? And what did you notice about yourself when you took a break from the computer, your smartphone or tablet? Share your reality check with the group on the FB wall – words or pictures will...
Read MoreToday’s challenge is unique. We want you to take a Sabbath from the START Experiment. We want you to have an Actual Reality Day. Today, we want to challenge you to step away from the computer, put down the smartphone, turn off the tablet, and: SEE. Slow down. Look around. See things you may have missed. See things in a different light based on what you know. Then, come back tomorrow. We might have a question or two in store for you. Happy Actual Reality Day!...
Read MoreIt might be a cartoon character or someone in a movie. Or it might be someone from a favorite book. But you used to have a childhood hero. Who was it? What qualities about them made you like them so much? And what would that hero say to you today as you work toward your START...
Read MoreSo STARTers, it’s time for a classic question: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Share it with the rest of the community on the START Experiment...
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