Facing Fear // Amy Campbell

Posted by on Aug 27, 2013 in StartStories, Testimonies | Comments Off on Facing Fear // Amy Campbell

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I read the START book on a family vacation in May of 2013.  I’ve been divorced for 12 years, I’m the mother of an 11 year old and I’m a statistic-breaker. It’s statistically improbable that I would be an entrepreneur. I created MyResumeLady.com in September of 2008 because Dave Ramsey said in Total Money Makeover that I needed to get another job to pay off my bills. Had it not been for being “released from serving” my corporate employer in March of 2010, I doubt very much I would have had the guts to be a “Quitter” and launch TheRedChecker.com in June of 2010.  Both are debt free growing companies.

The Red Checker (TRC), is heading into year four with some incredible case studies and advocate global-footprint companies as clients. Our processes are proven. We have a lot to be proud of.  But, we never tell anyone about it and we don’t do the things for TRC that we do for our clients world-wide.  Why?

Fear. It is my fear that has kept me from taking TRC to the possible heights.  Fear that says:

  1. Who am I to say that?
  2. It’s already been said, better, by someone else!
  3. What are they going to say about me whenever I say “THAT”?

I spent the first 24 days committed to my START. I would do content building for my own thought-leadership positioning and utilize the tools I have for lead generation, lead capture, marketing/lead qualification and revenue generation, just like I do for my clients.  Until START, I have hidden behind my consulting and haven’t really found the courage to tell others about it.

I found that the START Experiment provided a safe, positive, non-judgmental place to turn for encouragement about my struggles.  The wonderful thing was, we were all taking a really big risk.  We told complete strangers our deep fears and nobody laughed.  Instead, people commented that they had felt or thought or done/not done, many of the same things. It was such a wonderful bonding thing to happen.  I began to really care for other STARTers and cheer for their successes, and prayed for their struggles as well. STARTers were raw, open, honest, collaborative, witty and funny, loving in many cases, and overall, some of the most amazingly REAL people I have found anywhere on the web.  Plans have been made to meet several who have been instrumental in enhancing the START Experience for me.  This level of inclusiveness is rare. Very rare.

In 24 days of START, with the daily posts from Jon and the encouragement of other STARTers, I soft launched my new website, published a whitepaper on becoming a thought leader in your industry, began scheduling posts for social media, and have held audience with 5 new prospects. That is more progress than I’ve made in a year, or possibly two.  I am committed to my audacious goal of doing more of those things mentioned previously, and also taking the message online to YouTube and GIVING AWAY THE INFORMATION companies need to make Marketing a Revenue Generating Machine. I want to be a blessing to others.  I want to grow and employ passionate and inspired people who are looking for meaningful, worthwhile work.

amy Campbell