Internet Entrepreneur // Sean Nisil

Posted by on Aug 27, 2013 in StartStories, Testimonies | Comments Off on Internet Entrepreneur // Sean Nisil

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My risk during the first round of the START Experiment was to move from a hobby blogger to an Internet Entrepreneur. For me, the biggest shift was in how I approach what I’m doing with my blog.

In the first 24 days of the START Experiment:

  • I was featured on a large financial blog providing some tips on kids and money.
  • I started a professional network of business men and women on LinkedIn dedicated to pushing their Start risks forward into their careers. We’re now almost 200 members strong.
  • I made a number of great relationships which continue to grow.
  • I interviewed one of my blogging role models, Jeff Goins, and am working with him to set up a book tour in San Diego.

Sean Nisil