Music Ministry // Jonathan Fortenberry

Posted by on Aug 20, 2013 in StartStories, Testimonies | Comments Off on Music Ministry // Jonathan Fortenberry

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The Start Experiment was a lot of things for me.  It was a giant can opener on bottled up dreams.  It was huge fly swatter against fear.  It was the first time at a family reunion where I felt like I’d known everyone my entire life.  While slightly disappointed that I needed neither my machete nor my passport, I’m confident that the seeds planted during this time will ultimately lead there.

Twenty-four days is really the perfect length of time for this sort of thing.  It’s just long enough to accomplish small tasks that lead to a big goal, but not quite long enough to feel like you had enough time.  I long for Round1 to still be going so that I can still be brand new at this.  However, one of the greatest joys is being in a 2nd round and helping other STARTers find their place.

A month ago, I had a small vision of writing worship tunes one day and helping musicians develop themselves.  Today I stand confident in my craft, I’ve launched a blog, published a tutorial video, and applied for a position in full time ministry.  I owe all to God for inspiring Jon to pull this great community together where I developed true friends that are committed to seeing each other change the world.

Jonathan Fortenberry