Thoughtful Thursday // 9-19-2013

Posted by on Sep 19, 2013 in Thoughtful Thursday | Comments Off on Thoughtful Thursday // 9-19-2013

Thoughtful Thursday // 9-19-2013

The Path


"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."  —Ralph Waldo Emerson


“Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today’s thought was drawn for my tumblr site by STARTer Randy L.  Randy writes: “There are times when you come to a crossroads in life and it gets scary.  There are other times when you’re required to leave the road completely and that’s when true courage comes in.  Let’s do some off-roading today.  Go get some mud on your tires.”

I love that.  I love that reminder that sometimes we’ll have to be The First.  When we find our Awesome and pursue our dreams, we will come to places on our own roads where no one has gone before us to set an example.  WE have to set the example.  …and we’re not the only ones who benefit from it.  As Jon Acuff said at the START Conference this past weekend, “Give the world the gift of Going Second.” – In other words, do the hard work of going first and leave an example for others to follow.  Give the gift of Going Second.  Blaze a new trail.  Sing a new song.  The world needs your awesome.

Question: What “forks in the road” have you come to lately? Where are you able to follow in the examples of others before you, and where can you use your Awesome to set a new example for others to follow?


Note: Today’s #ThoughtfulThursday was hand drawn by Randy for my tumblr project, Consider This Thought.  You can see more hand-drawn posters at

Have a quote you’d like to share with Thoughtful Thursday?  Share the quote on social media using the tag #STARTtt or email me at [email protected]

“But what IS Thoughtful Thursday?!” you may be asking.  Check out the original post here.