Posted by Teri Modisette on Sep 2, 2013 in Guest Posts | Comments Off on Start by Saying “No.”
Start by Saying “NO.”
by Mike Loomis
I grew up in a house jammed with music. Or drums, anyway. My dad was a drummer, so these instruments were part of the living room furniture and a part of me.
As I was reading the book, Start, by Jon Acuff, this scene from childhood came into playback:
In fourth grade, when it was time to join band, my classmates and I lined up to select our weapons of choice.
“But you have good, long arms – perfect for playing the trombone!” This was the best sales pitch the music teacher could muster after informing me that too many kids had already signed up to play the drums.
Understandable. The system couldn’t please every one of my classmates. Somebody had to play the trombone, right? Wrong.
I’m a pretty laid-back person, so resisting all the sweet-talk was not normal for me. (And for the record, “trombone arms” definitely wasn’t on my wish-list of manly attributes).
The standoff was intense. After some repetitive pencil-tapping exercises, my insistence paid off. I grabbed those giant wooden drumsticks and ran out the door! It was the only outcome I could live with peacefully.
This kind of “no alternative” resolve has not always guided me. I’ve sometimes fiddled for years on “important” projects, juggling assorted aspects of my career so others wouldn’t be disappointed.
Sure, there are needs to fill, but honestly, it’s scary to start doing the one thing you love.
Dueling Banjos
We face pressure from voices inside, and outside, our heads. Think about all the times your teacher, boss, friends, or even text messages try to pull you toward a path where you’re “needed.” You might be qualified, but deep inside, you want to resist and insist.
My resolve to play those drums greatly impacted my life, relationships, and passport stamps. Years later, I toured all over the US, USSR, and Eastern Europe playing drums.
The Snare
You don’t need to have it all figured out (although I hope you caught the clever drum reference above).
We just have to stop for a beat and realize how we’re making choices every day. We are surrounded by high-pressure needs. We are dealing with our own voices of doubt.
Take stock of these things, and when necessary, resist. Insist. Start.
Someone else will play the clarinet. You don’t have to do it.
Yes, you’re a grownup, but every once in a while, it’s okay to listen to the wise voice of that stubborn inner-9-year-old. Say NO to something right now. Consider it practice. Jon Acuff’s book, Start, has helped me do that in heaps, and the results are showing up!
So, Flute Fingers… What do you really want to play?
Mike Loomis helps people launch and grow their dream projects. He’s strategic partner to business owners, authors, and non-profits. He and his wife live in the mountains of Colorado with their pet moose. www.MikeLoomis.CO <http://www.MikeLoomis.CO>
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