Three Ways To Bump Your Start to the Next Level

Posted by on Sep 14, 2013 in Guest Posts, StartStories | Comments Off on Three Ways To Bump Your Start to the Next Level

by Sean Nisil twitter

When I began this journey, I wasn’t sure what to expect.

Lured in by the mystery, anticipation of adventure, and the promise of a good fight, I laid out a road map, took a deep breath, and left the Shire (Yes…I went there. You’re welcome.).

In my travels, I learned a few things. Perhaps they will help on your own journey beyond your door.

1. Claim Your Dream

As the modern philosopher Gotye put it, “You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness.” Up to this point, you’ve sat on the fence while Fear claimed victory over your dreams. But once you hear the trumpet sound, comfortable discontent is no longer acceptable.

It’s time to rise to your feet. 

Of course you want to do more, feel better, be different, but here’s the thing: in order to live with passion, inspire others, and impact the world, you have to believe in yourself first.

At the end of the day, the buck stops with you.

Send that dream out of your head and into the world. Tell your friends and family. Tell your co-workers. Put it on your social media profiles. Tattoo it on your face (#allthecommitment). If you want an awesome, dangerous, and adventurous life, stop hiding and be honest about your dream. Now.

2. Plug Into Community

The genesis of the START Experiment was the idea that Fear hates community. The START Experiment is a group of  dreamers and misfits who have learned to embrace who they are as individuals and as a group. If you haven’t found a tribe (big or small) who encourage and equip you to take risks and achieve greatness, it’s time to start looking for that group of people.

Large groups of encouragers are like an auditorium, while your trusted inner circle is like a classroom. The large group will support you with stories of success, helpful information, and hilarious pranks to alleviate your stress. Within your inner circle, you can dig into the details and daily steps of your goals.

You cannot achieve your dream alone. A group of like-minded friends will help you find that critical tipping point that makes all the difference. And one more thing–there’s nothing quite like seeing their dreams come true, too.

3. Get STARTed

As W. Clement Stone puts it, “Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will.”

Don’t worry about perfection at this point. Just start. Maybe you can’t punch Fear in the face on day one. That’s okay. Start by stepping on its toe. Then poke it in the eye. Before you know it, you’ll be throat-punching Fear in the morning and giving it flying round-house kicks all afternoon.

This is your chance. This is your life. Get STARTed.

Sean Nisil with wife Amanda

Sean Nisil is a writer, speaker, and financial coach. Read his blog at and follow him on Twitter @SeanNisil.